They perform best in full sun but will tolerate some shade. Tulips dislike wetness and require well-drained soil. Single lines of Tulips are always disappointing; if you want a bold effect plant them in groups of at least 10 to 20 bulbs. Tulips make also good container plants and they are delightful cut flowers.
Treat them like annuals where a perfect display is wanted. After flowering discard the bulbs and start with fresh stock each year. In the less formal garden, leave the bulbs in place for a ‘naturalistic’ effect for as long as they bloom. Flowers will be uneven in size and height but this will have its own special charm. Snap off the top of stems as soon as they finish blooming. This way the plant sends energy into bulb growth rather than seed production. Always allow the tulip foliage to wither completely before you remove it.
Plant large garden Tulips 15-20cm deep, 12cm apart.
Plant wild Tulips 10-15cm deep, 6-8cm apart.