Chinese Sacred Lilies (paperwhites)

Any pot or bowl can be used, as long as it is at least 12cm deep. Fill the planter with potting soil (pebbles or rocks can also be used) up to 5cm below the rim. Place the bulbs closely (it’s okay if they touch) on top and fill the balance with soil or pebbles, leaving just the necks exposed. Water well but avoid soaking. If you use pebbles choose a pot without drainage holes; a glass container allows you to see the water level which should just touch the base of the bulbs.

Ideally place the pots in a somewhat cool (10°C) place. Cool temperatures stimulate root growth which is important for good results. If you don’t have a cool location, the planter can be taken directly into the living quarters. However, keep it away from the hot radiator as excessive heat is liable to cause failure. When the bulbs are firmly rooted and growth begins, move them into a warmer location with plenty of light. If the plants grow tall and start to lean over, support them with twine and stakes or use our ringed plant supports.

Approximate blooming time is 5-6 weeks after planting. You can stagger plantings to keep colour and fragrance coming. Unplanted bulbs are best stored in a cool but frost-free place. These sub-tropical Narcissus are frost tender and will not flower again. After flowering it is best to discard the bulbs.