
Soil should be deep, fertile, well drained and high in organic matter. In northern regions, grow lilies in full sun; partial shade is best where summers are hot. Ideally they like their feet shaded by other plants and their heads in the sun. In windy areas flower stalks might need support. Never allow plantings to become dry. Since lilies make stem roots plant them at least 12cm deep, more in sandy soil. Mark the spot where lilies are planted. They usually do not appear until fairly late and when you damage the young shoots your lilies may not bloom. Lilies are also wonderful in large pot outdoors on the terrace.

Extra feeding is not normally required, in poor soils apply a slow-release fertilizer in early spring or after they have flowered in autumn. Remove spent flowers as they finish. Allow the plant to die back naturally and mulch with compost, dry leaves or chipped bark before winter. Lilies increase in beauty over the years. Only when plantings become too crowded should bulbs be lifted, divided and replanted in autumn. In very cold regions, potted bulbs are best moved into a cool, sheltered place over winter.