Bletilla striata (Chinese ground orchid)
Set the crown of this terrestrial orchid 2cm below the surface and about 15cm apart. They are not fussy about their room and board but seem happiest in well drained soil rich in organic material. Give them sun or light shade. Where hot summers are the rule, shade is best. Mild frosts will not injure them. In very cold areas (Central Germany, Scandinavia) protect the plants with a mulch of chipped bark or dry leaves over winter. They can be grown in pots too (2 tubers per 20cm pot). Give pots a light and fairly cool place indoor over winter and move them outside in early spring.
A top-dressing with compost every other year will keep the plants healthy. Established plant form broad, long-lived clumps spreading outward from the center. Older portions of the clump die out as they expand. For this reason plants are best lifted every 4-5 years to discard the old root stocks.